Monday, March 24, 2008

Yet another great workout...

I woke up this morning feeling much better than I had since Friday. I honestly wasn't feeling very energized for my workout due to my being sick the last 3 days. I got to the gym and began warming up when Dan walked in (the 64 year old Athlete). The second I noticed him I was ready to throw some weight around. His excitement for training and energy just fill the air, he has an inspiring presence. We talked between sets as usual each telling training stories and such.... when it was time to lift again we stopped then resumed the conversation directly after the set. I hit several new personal bests today just because of Dan's energy.

I remembered another one of my favorite quotes today as I was training and talking to Dan...

"Complacency is the root of mediocrity".... Mediocrity happens because we become complacent in one or more facets of our life. Honestly I had become pretty complacent in regards to my weight training. Until Josh Elmer began training with me I had not pushed myself as hard as I should have in the gym for quite some time. Then with the opening of the Powerhouse gym I gained even more motivation, to top it off I meet Dan Dewelt my first day training at the new gym and I train harder than I have ever trained before.

A guess my point to this rant is that whatever your motivations are do your best to not become complacent in your current training or abilities, always push to reach "The Next Level"...

Complacency can sneak up on did me...

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