Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Walking the Path and Living

Over the years I have come across those that walk the path of the warrior and those rare few that live the life of the warrior.

Let me clarify for a moment... By walking the path I mean those that simply dabble in being and training as a warrior when it suits them and they feel like it. Living the life of the warrior is a committed daily experience in every way. Living the life of the warrior is not just about training the body and mind for combat but also about being a great husband, father, brother, and human being in general. I was told a long time ago that being a warrior is an elite calling that you must chose to take upon yourself, it is not something that can be a hobby or past time.

I have been blessed to have been taught by and known some great warriors during my life.

I am also blessed to have students that are taking the elite calling of the warrior upon themselves and living it daily.


Rob Boudreau said...

The seven tenets of Bushido; Valor, Benevolence, Rectitude, Protocol, Honesty, Loyalty, and Honor are very reflective of what we should strive for in daily living as a warrior. I would venture to say that it is easier for a warrior to show up for training, to condition the body, to bleed and sweat, than it is to exemplify these tenets every day, in every situation, in our regular lives. Consistently adhering to our moral code is very similar to training our bodies, after enough time, it becomes honed reaction.

James said...


The next level to this is where it is not just honed reaction. It becomes purposeful and meaningful "action" at every moment.