Wednesday, July 30, 2008
George Bernard Shaw
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Will
Benjamin Disraeli
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Great Session last night..
Here is the link to Andre's MMA Academy in St. Louis
Monday, July 21, 2008
My first day of throwing..
Here is a couple of pics after practice..
Here is one of James Lee and I...

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Wisdom from Dave Tate
“Lock yourself onto your destination and eliminate any possibility of not getting there. Make your goal the core essence of your existence. Fix your focus 100% onto your desired outcome and the process of achieving it.”
“For those few, however, who do aspire to the highest level of sport, you need to understand that greatness comes at a high price. The price is the time and energy that you can't devote to the other aspects of your life.”
“We all have the same 24 hours, and the choice of where to focus our attention. There's no way you can focus on your work, family, church, personal development, friends, and on your training.”
“Yes you can achieve balance, and as I said, this isn't a bad goal. All I'm saying is that you can either be balanced, or you can be great. You shouldn't expect both at the same time.”
“To be in the top 10% of anything requires a selfish, fanatical drive that most people will never understand, let alone possess. Maybe there's someone somewhere who can be great at everything, but I haven't seen it.”
“People always ask me, "knowing what you know now, would you have changed anything about your training or diet from years ago?" My answer is always the same: no. You can't turn back the clock and change the past. You can only do what you can do today. I see no reason to answer what I can't do anything about. Do I offer people different advice now based on what I feel were my mistakes of the past? Yes, of course. I've made some huge mistakes, but they were necessary, because without them I wouldn't have learned anything.”Did the warm up
Friday, July 18, 2008
Shoulder Warm Up
The following video is a shoulder warm up I am going to add to my training routine immediately...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
An afternoon with a Legend...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Current MMA Schedule
MMA Schedule
- 11am
- 6pm
- 9pm
- 9pm
- 11am
- 6pm
- 9pm
- 9pm
- 11am
- 6pm
A conversation...
I have had a fantastic training day so far...I worked out for 5 hours so far today...Can't wait to teach later...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Conclusion of Hell Week...
By the way Zach your birthday of hell will be soon.........Lets play a game......
I can't wait for the next Hell Week.....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Just found this...
As simple as I can make it...
"The rules of fighting are very simple. If he moves, hit him. If he doesn't move, hit him first, hard, and until he can’t move"
I wrote the above quote nearly 10 years ago....and I believe it more than ever now.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Quotes to ponder...
Each, in his appropriate sphere, will lead in person. Any commander who fails to obtain his objective and who is not dead or severely wounded, has not done his full duty. General George S. Patton, Jr
"A man who says it cannot be done should not interrupt a man doing it!" Chinese Proverb
"Are you going to do something or just stand there and bleed?"
Wyatt Earp in "
It has Begun....
It was an honor to see these guys lay it all on the line and give it their all. I am proud of all of you!
Hell Week Day 2 is upon us.....
Monday, July 7, 2008
My Personal Philosophy..
"The Physical is a result of the Psychological"
I will elaborate on it in the next day or so.
For those of you that will be at class tonight....prepare your mind for battle because Hell Week is upon us...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Confront your reasons for training...
"Training should be so demanding that it forces you to constantly confront and evaluate the reasons you train"
It takes a certain type of individual to willingly subject themselves to the type of training that is required to be the Elite of any sport. I have subjected myself to many forms of training over the years and I completely believe that training to be an Elite fighter is the most demanding and beneficial form of training. High level fighters are the best conditioned athletes in the world because fighting requires every form of endurance and strength. Every energy system must be developed to a high level. It is very important to train to the very best of your abilities every single time you train. Everyone has off days, is sick, injured and so on at some point during training however you should train to your maximal capacity on any given day.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Walking the Path and Living
Let me clarify for a moment... By walking the path I mean those that simply dabble in being and training as a warrior when it suits them and they feel like it. Living the life of the warrior is a committed daily experience in every way. Living the life of the warrior is not just about training the body and mind for combat but also about being a great husband, father, brother, and human being in general. I was told a long time ago that being a warrior is an elite calling that you must chose to take upon yourself, it is not something that can be a hobby or past time.
I have been blessed to have been taught by and known some great warriors during my life.
I am also blessed to have students that are taking the elite calling of the warrior upon themselves and living it daily.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Words to think about....
"Real glory springs from the silent conquest of ourselves."—Joseph P. Thompson