Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pure Martial Arts

"There are no pure martial arts, purity happens when pure knuckles meets pure flesh no matter who delivers or receives"

The above quote is a slightly altered version of an Ed Parker (The founder of American Kenpo Karate) quote. In the original it had the word karate instead of the word martial arts.

There is no such thing as a pure martial art, there never has been and never will be. Each and every martial art or fighting system was created by an individual. Once that person teaches his system to someone it immediately changes. No two people move, think, or act the same way. This is a fact not an opinion. When learning a martial art your entire personality comes into play your likes, dislikes, strengths, weakness, all physical and mental attributes. The way you apply a strategy or technique may be similar to others; however it will not and cannot be exact. Many fighters/martial artist want to move or fight like...Bruce Lee, Randy Couture, etc. There is only one Bruce Lee or Randy Couture...period. Just as there is only one of them there is only one of you as well.

Train with what you have and to the very best of your ability and you will become the very best martial artist/fighter you can be.

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