Monday, September 1, 2008

Two rare virtues...

There are two virtues that are all but extinct in the world in this day and age.

Courtesy and Humility...

It is very rare to meet people who are kind and courteous on a general basis. The word "common" is a rarity as well. As in "common" courtesy or "common" sense. It is easy to spot those that are courteous now days because they are uncommon...

Humility is extremely rare in my opinion. I think that more and more people avoid "humbling" experiences. I have at least a few humbling experiences every week. Humility comes with a wisdom and knowledge of exactly who you are, there is no need ever to be egotistical or to exert the ego onto others.


Anonymous said...

Couln't agree more. I believe it is the post-modern worldview of our generation that is responsible. When people relate truth to subjectivism, this is really the logical result. Why should people be courteous or humble when they don't believe there is any objective standard? It is sad.

James said...

That is why we must be the standard in every facet of our lives. Small ripples reach out along way.