Sunday, September 20, 2009

So many experts.. so little wisdom...

It is very sad to me that there are so many things that you can get "certified" in. Read a manual, fill out a study guide, watch a video... and magically you are a "certified" whatever. But what about experience? What about wisdom? What about being in the trenches and truly learning by trial and error?

Granted it is best to study everything that you can about your craft. But studying is not enough.... NEVER enough! You must get your hands dirty, you must risk epic failure before you can experience epic victory in anything in life.

You walk into any gym in the country and I guarantee you will see an anorexic looking trainer working at that gym putting their clients through the worst possible exercises with the wrong form. I witness it DAILY at the gym I train at. It is very unfortunate in my opinion. People come into a gym expecting that the trainers truly know what they are doing and willingly do the exercises that could very well cause serious injury or exacerbate an old injury.

Experience is the most important certification anyone could ever have. And it is by far the toughest to get.

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