Friday, August 28, 2009

Stop the Half Ass Effort....

Nothing great was EVER accomplished in this world by slow, steady, half ass effort......PERIOD. Give all that you have to your endeavors.... your goals... That means 100 fucking percent!!! There is nothing more than that. Not 110... not 101... ONLY 100%. Most people that "think" they give 100 barely have even tapped into 60 or 70% of what they are capable of. The human species has a tremendous reservoir of will power.... But it must be fueled with passion so that it can be used to take you to your current level of 100%. The more you do this and experience this then.... and only then does your 100% capacity increase. Its not that you can do more than 100%... its that you have reached another level within yourself so that you have a new level of 100% to work at...

On any given day your 100% capacity may fluctuate but I promise if you give all that you are capable of everyday then you will reach heights and accomplish things you thought impossible on a regular basis....

Monday, August 24, 2009


I get updates from various strength and conditioning sites on a regular basis. The other day I got one that had new "research" in the title.

Here is the gist of the "research"...

It showed that women who regularly did high intensity workouts (meaning
they were breathing hard) had significantly less belly
flab at the end of a four month period than women who always
exercised at an easier level.

This is true even though both groups burned the same number
of calories during the workout.
WHAT! You mean if people actually push themselves and train hard they will be in better shape than those that train with less effort???

In all seriousness... someone fucking paid for that research! That makes no sense at all. The bottom line is if you train with moderate intensity you get slower results over a longer period of time. You train with high intensity you get faster results in a shorter period of time.